Monday, December 6, 2010

Artist Statement v2

In our first project this semester, I took a few photos that contained reflections as I looked through storefront windows. I decided to investigate this idea more, finding myself most interested in images that left interior and exterior undefined, that created a new space that can’t be seen by the naked eye. I find these kinds of images compelling because they take a place in the real world and add something to it. They take a minute for you to realize what is happening. You really have to spend some time with them to figure them out. I also like them because they flatten the space I am photographing. They manage to take a bunch of different aspects of everyday life, buildings, cars, etc., and put them all on the same plane. I like this equality of space. So many things are so specialized these days, and I really like the idea of everything getting equal attention.

In Progress Self Design Images

Monday, November 15, 2010


For my self-designed, I think I want to play with reflections. In Making Taking, two of my photos played with reflections and I think I want to explore this more. This project could involve both portraits and landscapes or other non-people-centric photos. I'm not sure which yet. I really like the idea of creating new views by using reflections. Especially creating landscapes on top of landscapes.

My influences for this are:

Obsession with image (how we appear to others)

Last year in Photo I, there was a student who did portraits of girls putting on make-up as if the camera was a mirror

The story about mirror therapy in "The Itch"


"Future Reflections" by MGMT
"I Can See For Miles" by The Who
Mixing two or more songs together, creating a new thing: "Forever Gold" by E-603
Remixing Songs: "Janglin' (RAC Remix)" by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dealing with Time

Ryan McGinley

Rachel Sussman

Jeff (deviantart user discurrere)


Craig Nunn

Monday, September 27, 2010

Too True Pt. 3

Alain Delorme. Totem. In these photos, Delorme is playing with the reality in modern China. The truth in these, the fact that people do carry a lot of stuff around is taking one step further, by making the piles of stuff so large they overwhelm their owner. This is where the untruth comes into play. More here:

Vincent Fournier. The Man Machine. In this series, Fournier is showing us the rise of the robot. A lot of these images can definitely be read as truth, like the ones of people working on robots. It's the photos of robots doing human-like actions, like peeking through blinds or sitting in a waiting room, that start to be untrue. More here:

Too True Pt. 2

Conan Thai. Attempts to Fly. In these photos, Thai is capturing people jumping into the air. Thai uses the thin line between truth and fiction to make us believe that these people are actually jumping to incredible heights. See more of this series here:

Barbara & Michael Leisgen. Mimesis. 1974. In this series, Barbara and Michael Leisgen are examining how nature can reflect or mime itself. In both of these images, the woman appears to be hugging or holding items in the natural world. Obviously, she can't actually be hugging a cloud or holding the sun, but I think this still counts as TrueFiction. More here:

Too True Pt. 1

Nathan Cyprys. Buried. In these photos, Cyprys is pictured half buried in sand, dirt or water. These images could be taken as harmless truth, just a guy swimming or buried in the sand, but they take on a more somber tone, leading me to think they are staged for a different reason. More of his work here: